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Values based trainings that get results.

My goal is to help you create an environment where people feel that they belong and know how to support each other. Be that through policy creation, new protocol design or training and other educational programming.

I build every training or program to answer three questions: what?, so what?, and now what?

  • “What?" covers the basics like definitions, behaviors, research, policy, law, and other ground laying information.

  • “So what?" explores why this matters to me, my friends, or co-workers.

  • “Now what?" answers the question, what can I do with this information personally and professionally to make our community a better, equitable, and just world for everyone?

I teach beyond the policy or law. I use values and a strengths-based approach to make an educational experience that creates positive change. While vital information for people to have, teaching a policy or law does not historically lead to behavioral change. Policy and procedure are reflections of the values your organization holds. Whether online or in-person, I utilize facilitated discussions with an emphasis on problem-solving and perspective-taking. Your values, their voices, and my curricula results in positive change for everyone.

I want my audiences to leave understanding themselves and others better so that they contribute to making the world a less harmful, more equitable and empowering place for all. I give them actionable skills that help move them forward in their personal, academic, or professional goals.

I hope I get a chance to work with you so we can learn from each other and make our world a better place for all.